Carl Jung noted, “Intuition does not denote something contrary to reason, but something outside of the province of reason.”

Intuitions play the role that observations do in science: they support and undermine various theories. Conceptual analyses are rejected when intuitive counterexamples are presented. Moral theories are rejected when they lead to intuitively revolting results. Theories of mind and language and metaphysics rise and fall depending on how well they can be made to fit our intuitions, even in bizarre science fiction hypothetical scenarios. 

But why trust our intuitions? Our intuitions often turn out to contradict each other, or they are contradicted by empirical evidence, or they vary between people and between groups of people. Compared to scientific methods, the philosopher’s use of intuitions as his primary tool doesn’t seem to have been very productive. Also, we can’t calibrate our intuitions, because wherever we have a non-intuition standard against which to calibrate our intuitions, we don’t need to use intuition in the first place. Moreover, philosophers have typically known very little about where their intuitions come from, and why they should trust them in the first place!

My take on it, beyond the complex scientific words is, if you have a hunch/intuition/gut-feeling, trust it completely. Learning to trust your intuition will be one of the more significant journeys you will take to reach the peak of your authenticity towards your natural talents and expectations in every aspect of your life.



11 responses to “Daily Dose of Inspiration – Intuition > Knowledge”

  1. I agree, but with caution. I would recommend anyone trusting their intuition to also look for confirmation of what they think might be their “gut” instinct. Sometimes these intuitions are hard to read, particularly when our minds get hold of it. Good posting and one that should get some responses like mine.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Dave. I too am expecting various responses on this, as intuition is a very subjective thing!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. It is very important to learn what the feeling of your intuition is indeed.. Very similiar can come from wrong sources like, fear, overthinking, anxiety and so on. But when you know the difference.. It is a huge reward. My intuition is quite strong and easily activated but I often overthink it and then realize afterwards I should have just followed it. Never has gone the way that I should not have followed. Overthinking is one of my biggest weaknesses that I hope to overcome.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. My guess is that many highly “successful” people have followed their intuition and assigned the credit elsewhere. Like, what a genius they are…doh. Great piece thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well the more the people in the world, the more varied the thought processes in the world.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I agree with you. If it is very, very strong stick with it. It may not happen right away but in the future. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, I agree that intuition can be tricky. But in my life I have seen things going wrong because I didn’t listen to my intuition. Intuition is. Dry subjective 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It is very important to learn what the feeling of your intuition is indeed.. Very similiar can come from wrong sources like, fear, overthinking, anxiety and so on. But when you know the difference.. It is a huge reward. My intuition is quite strong and easily activated but I often overthink it and then realize afterwards I should have just followed it. Never has gone the way that I should not have followed. Overthinking is one of my biggest weaknesses that I hope to overcome in time. I have already got better at not overthinking so maybe I will. 🙂 Being an highly intuitive person that thinks a lot is challenging.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We all have that weakness!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post.
    It is complex question, about intuition.We all have intuition, because we all have thoughts and every thought has a frequency.With thoughts we are connected with nature, also with water. And if you ask me about intuition, I will tell you, we all have intuition…

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Daily Dose of Inspiration

    […]Just considered one of them might be sufficient for you to wish to be extra in touch together with your intuition, but whenever you add all of them up, you need to ask, why wouldn’t you want to stay intuitively?[…]

    Liked by 1 person

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